JDC International Centre for Community Development

Challenging ideas, changing practices

/ About Us

The JDC-International Centre for Community Development (JDC-ICCD) is JDC-Europe’s research and evaluation unit.

Founded in 2005 by the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Buncher Leadership Programme, JDC-ICCD is devoted to providing an in-depth perspective on the phenomena of Jewish community, identity, and social welfare. Through applied research, JDC-ICCD analyses ongoing trends and changes in the Jewish world, while measuring and evaluating the impact of community initiatives in the field.

The Centre generates meaningful and scientifically constructed data that can influence decision-making processes for JDC and for Jewish communities and other stakeholders across Europe.

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/ News

Opportunities, events and more
Expanding the JDC-ICCD Jewish Leaders’ Survey: Asia and Latin America

Drawing from the interest stimulated by the results of the European Jewish Leaders’ survey, JDC ICCD is currently working on replicating the study to expand beyond the European boundaries. The...

November 2019
Community Barometer in Germany

Thanks to a partnership with the Central Council of Jews in Germany, JDC ICCD is providing support and technical advice for the “Gemeindebarometer” research project, an unprecedented nationwide online survey...

October 2019
Debating European Jewish Community Leaders’ Survey Findings

This past November over 200 professionals, and lay leaders gathered in Prague for the 3rd Summit of European Jewish Leadership, whereupon Dr. Barry Kosmin, Research Professor from Trinity College, and...

December 2018
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